![]() Change happens all the time, from relationships, living arrangements, careers to Facebook or that app you have just gotten used to and then here comes another update. Some cope well with Change, others a little resistant but come around and then there are some that fight it all the way til there is no other choice but to succumb. Which one are you? Me? I'm pretty comfortable with change, its part of my personality, I like to change things around, I like new updates, I have different healing modalities under my belt so depending on what's needed by my client I have choice. Change is good, sometimes we can see it coming and sometimes it just smacks us in the face when we least expect it, either way it helps us grow and evolve. Ten months ago I embarked on a big journey regarding my diet and health and I have learnt a lot! Through this experience and the inspiration from my niece Elyse Comerford, I have started studying a Health Coaching Course with The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), and I am really enjoying it so far. So just a heads up that change is in the air, here in this blog and my Facebook page, its time to bring Lifestyle/Health and Energy Healing together, I talk a lot about healing on all levels so it just makes sense to me. As my knowledge and skills grow I just want to share different interesting tidbits with you, so it may not all be about energy healing, there may be talk of bone broth, recipes, fermented foods as well as breathing and grounding techniques and of course the usual crystals, oracle cards and beautiful affirmations. ![]() When people make changes in their life others close to them may feel inspired by the information, something really resonates and they are on board, others may feel resistant toward the information but like a seed it was planted and over time may make more and more sense, then there will be those that are just on a different path, we have to remember that mutual respect is important, we need to be understanding that what works for us as individuals may not be for everyone no matter how excited and real it feels. Living in harmony is so important and while we may not always agree with those close to us we can connect on the topics in life that interest both parties and still be respectful and listen to what is happening in our respective lives just because we care about each other. When it comes to social media and individual websites or blog pages we have a choice, if its not the information we want or if someone has changed and are writing and sharing about topics that we aren't interested in, we have the ability to unfollow and unfriend, which I choose to do rather then leave comments that may sound negative and judgemental. My point being if the changes I make or things I share aren't for you, thats ok I will not be offended by you unfollowing or unfriending me so you don't have to have the information popping up on you, I don't want to debate, I just want to have freedom of speech and keep just one page and one website that may offer a variety of information. Enjoy! Heres to your health and wellbeing
Much love Kathleen xo
4/10/2014 00:34:55
Comment deleted
4/10/2014 01:46:44
Awesome love ya xx
Michael przibilla
12/7/2015 09:03:49
Thank You so much for everything You have do for Me,
12/7/2015 12:01:24
You are so welcome Michael, love seeing you where you are meant to brand thanks for checking out my website 💫🙏🏻💫
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